Tag: password

  • Secure Folders With Password Folder

    Password Folder (version: is a simple and small freeware Windows program that encrypts and secures folders.

    Install Password Folder, optionally using the portable version. Click on the big folder icon and choose a folder to encrypt, alternatively drag a folder into the program window. As its name suggests individual files are not supported. Then choose and confirm a password in the ensuing popup, the big folder icon turns red while it is working and then the folder is replaced by its encrypted version with a pff extension. Double clicking the resulting pff file decrypts the folder and restores readable, normal versions of the folder(s).

    The program claims that the processing speed to secure folders is very fast. In a quick limited test on a Windows 10 machine with a relatively older i5 processor the program took approximately one second to encrypt around 20 small text files and images.

    Password Folder includes two so called advanced settings. The first that is enabled by default is to integrate in the right click context menu. The second is to use one password to encrypt more than folder. This does not allows the user to choose more than folder at the same time but to reuse the same password.

    The portable download is less than 2MB and decompressed it is less than 8MB. No word on which encryption method is used.

  • Buttercup Freeware Password Manager

    Buttercup Freeware Password Manager

    Buttercup (v0.21.0) is a new entry in the password manager field. It uses the usual method of storing passwords securely and locally, with an option to connect to online storage services.

    Aftewr installing the 35MB download the program launches automatically and offers to create a what it calls archive. A master password can be added here. When the program’s main window opens it is divided from left to right to the name of the archive(s) created and opened, the groups section, the entries and their respective details.

    Passwords can be divided into groups with new groups added using the button near the bottom of the section. Entries are added much the same way. When creating a new entry a password generator is an option. The user can configure the number of characters or words to be used and if it should or should not include letters, numbers or symbols. There is also a “memorable” option which generates passwords using only lower case letters. Each entry can also have custom fields associated with it, perhaps to add a note or the associated site.

    Buttercup can also import 1password (.1pif), KeePass (.kdbx) and LastPass (.csv) archives. One can also connect the program to Dropbox, Owncloud, NextCloud or a WebDav server for backup and remote storage (File —>Connect Cloud Services). A Chrome extension is also available.

  • ZenR Notes: Simple Password Protected Notes

    ZenR Notes: Simple Password Protected Notes

    ZenR Notes

    ZenR Notes (version: 0.2) is a recent entry in the note taking category. It presents mostly simple options for taking notes and securing them either individually or with a master password.

    By default ZenR Notes uses what it calls an immersive theme that uses Windows colours. New notes are added, along with other features using big buttons. The minimal formatting options like colours and fonts are available plus a few others like creating simple lists.

    Each note can be password protected (AES 256-bit) by clicking the down arrow to the top right of the note. The same menu features a reminder option to turn the note into a single non recurring reminder. The program notes that secured notes can not be reminders.

    Using the same menu, notes, and the program itself, can be turned into a ‘widget’, clicking that option is similar to minimizing the note into a post it note. While in widget mode clicking X reverts the view to the program window, clicking the left arrow shows the notes list and the down arrow provides options to increase the widget size or keep it on top of other windows.

    The hamburger menu present while looking at the notes list includes an option to set a master password, and to add enhanced security. The enhanced security feature acts as a complement to the ZenR Notes’ back up and restore feature also present under the same menu. The program can also be further secured by adding a recovery email. The latter makes the program look like a web app. The recovery email option was not tested for this review.

    The ‘Total words’ number under the notes seems to be a bug (see screenshot). ZenR Notes should work on Windows Vista and newer, including server editions.

  • Sisma Password Manager

    Sisma Password Manager


    Sisma (version: 4.1) is a lightweight freeware password manager that is encrypted using 256-bit AES and is a good alternative to the more popular KeePass and the famous web based LastPass.

    It of course features the familiar password grouping and also supports hiding and showing passwords. It also has options to lock the program to prevent edits and can also generate passwords with user set options for number of characters and exclusion or inclusion of lower, upper, digits and symbols.

    Sisma can separately copies account title, password or url to the clipboard and can also launch the default browser. Clipboard content can be cleared on program lock, exit or after a number of seconds. There is also a configurable – default is set to less than 8 characters – warning for weak passwords and a setting for a user determined password expiry. In addition to adding notes for each entry the user can also add custom properties. This may be best used for personal reminders(?)

    Sisma is available in both portable and installer versions, runs on most Windows versions and requires .Net Framework 2.0+

  • Password Recovery Bundle Review And Giveaway

    Password Recovery Bundle Review And Giveaway

    September 3 update: License keys were just emailed to the winners, congrats and thanks for participating.

    Comment below to win a license for Password Recovery Bundle Standard courtesy of Top-password.com worth $29.95

    Password Recovery Bundle (Version:2.2 tested) is a toolkit that can prove useful if program or system passwords are lost or forgotten. It is simple to use and has a simple interface to help any user quickly recover passwords. There are three different editions of the program and the standard one can recover all types of passwords but is missing features such as resetting passwords for Windows’ server editions or databases (MS SQL).

    Password Recovery Bundle

    The Start Recovery button will retrieve passwords for instant messaging programs such MSN, Google Talk, AIM, Miranda, Trillian, Paltalk, Digsby, Pidgin and others. Passwords for email programs are also retrieved including the likes of Outlook, Windows Live Mail, Incredimail, and The Bat! System product keys are also supported and this includes the ‘Product Key Advanced’ option that works on a non booting drive connected to a working system. The user navigates to the non working drive’s Windows directory where Password Recovery Bundle will look for and retrieve the key.

    Additionally there is support for recovering passwords from several FTP programs including FileZilla, CuteFTP, SmartFTP and many more.

    The Recover From File button prompts the user to navigate to target files as it attempts to recover passwords. The formats supported are PST, Reach-a-Mail, PDF, Word, Excel, Powerpoint, Access, ZIP and RAR files.

    Password Recovery Bundle

    The Windows Password button creates a ‘Windows password reset bootdisk’ – this feature was not tested. This requires setting the BIOS to boot from DVD or removable media, then burning the iso bootdisk and rebooting the system with it. After rebooting the PC Password Recovery Bundle will get to work and reset the password to blank for any one of Windows accounts on that machine.

  • Freeware Shorts: AtoZ Notebook

    Freeware Shorts: AtoZ Notebook

    AtoZ Notebook (Version: 0.111 Beta as of this post) is a free form notebook that aims to resemble a paper notebook. It is divided into 27 tabs (a to z and #) where notes can be jotted down in alphabetically.
    Once open click the Header button and start typing. Use any of the usual formatting options (font, indent, etc.) to shape the notes as required and choose a password to open your notes as well. Also one gets to choose one of two options for the location of the stored notes. AtoZ Notebook also does backups in RTF format so the notes are usable elsewhere as well, therefore sparing the user from dealing with propriety formats.

  • myPortablePIM Is Data On The Go

    myPortablePIM Is Data On The Go

    myPortablePIM is a no installation Personal Information Manager that offers a chance to keep contacts, calendar and other information in one folder and carry data on a USB key or stick. Needing to keep everything in one folder means a newly unzipped myPortablePIM approaches 90MB in size.

    myPortablePIM features include tasks and notes, alarms, a ‘gmail checker’, calendar – with support for both iCal and vCard – a RSS reader, a weather checker, an image viewer, an application launcher, a password manager and an address book.

    Additionally the program can be protected with a password to make carrying it around safer and includes several themes (under the Preferences menu). The different features or ‘modules’ can also be viewed on their own. One can also add icons to use within the program and configure several options like using Fahrenheit or Celcius for the weather module. myPortablePIM runs on Windows 2000, XP, Vista or 7.

  • Notes Organizer AllMyNotes

    Another interesting notes organizer is AllMyNotes. It stores notes in the familiar tree structure and boasts drag and drop and rich formatting as its features. It is also possible to password protect notes. AllMyNotes does both within notes and also global search. via ghacks

  • fSekrit Holds Your Secrets

    fSekrit is one of the many useful tools available from donationcoder. fSekrit has a very simple and useful purpose. Its purpose is to create encrypted notes and ones that are self contained. What this means is that when using fSekrit the note taking application and password setting and encrypting tool are one and the same.
    Double click on the fSekrit icon and start typing or pasting (or use Import text located under the File menu) the desired text. When exiting and saving the program will prompt for a location to save an *.exe file, not a *.txt file, and then also prompt for a password. No unencrytped text is written to the system’s hard disk and the encryption used is 256bit AES, a near unbreakable encryption standard.
    Download the latest beta from this thread or visit the above link for the older but non-beta release.

  • Total Text Container PIM

    Total Text Container PIM

    Total Text Container is a PIM (Personal Information Management) software described by its author as

    Store Documentation, Notes, Passwords, Images, Bookmarks, Contacts, Spreadsheets, Money Transactions, Calendar Events & Tasks, iCalander events, CD/DVD/Movie catalogs, Multi layer encryption, Portable, xml database, all in one powerful PIM app.

    Total Text Container is a pretty complete and feature rich software that allows you to do a lot and organize your information all in one folder.


    It has many interesting and valuable features.  It can store all sorts of lists, such as movies, bookmarks, confidential information and images. Syntax highlighted code and snippets can be saved as well. It is possible to add clipboards and even tasks to Total Text Container and access them via the program’s tray icon without actually wading through the program itself. There is also a ‘Mix Frame’  feature which allows the user to work on different ‘frames’ such as notes, spreadsheets, code and others at the same time, though it seems to be a work in progress in my tests, I got a few access violation errors while attempting to add or show frames.

    TTC is worth checking out and though at alpha v0.a070 as of this writing it can prove useful with a bit of caution because as mentioned access violation errors can pop up from time to time. The author claims that

    As long as TTC is below version 1.00 then its still in beta stage, I use TTC almost every day so i def want it to be error free myself. I fix errors as i find them but if I don’t know about an error i can’t fix it so let me know on my forums on sourceforge.

    so one should be able to get some help just in case. Have a look at http://mtirnanic.googlepages.com/