Month: January 2017

  • LazLock Freeware Portable Password Manager

    LazLock Freeware Portable Password Manager

    LazLock (version: 2.4.2) is a freeware password manager, it is portable and available separately for 32bit and 64 bit computers as well as Linux ones. Just unzip and run the executable.

    On first run the master password is chosen and confirmed with the usual disclaimer that it can not be recovered as it uses 128 bit AES encryption. When the program starts empty URL, Username and Password fields tempt the user to start entering and save after typing but the only ways to add an entry is via the menu or icon.

    An entry can belong to any one of the 10 categories that are Banking, Education, Email, Media, Other, Shopping, Social Media, Software, Web or Work as seen in the screenshot. Associate an icon with the entry and then enter the details, optionally use the password generator and set parameters for the password. Here the length of the password can be set and it can include any one or all of uppercase, lowercase, numbers, symbols, brackets, or even spaces! The password generator can be used independently of an entry by clicking on its icon in the program’s main window.

    Other features include changing the master password (File —>Change password) and strangely Create backup, (File —>Create backup) which exports entries into a plain text file.

  • When Last Activity Tracker

    When Last Activity Tracker

    When Last Android App

    When Last a simple activity tracker Android app by DonationCoder that helps keep track of things done. As with everything else from DonationCoder this app stays true to being clean and in this case the permissions are the minimum of read the contents of your USB storage and modify or delete the contents of your USB storage. Network connections and access will also kick in when using the optional sync feature.

    The app comes pre-populated with several activities and categories. Each category is in its own tab, that is how activities can be organized. Create a new event or done activity by clicking the + sign, adding a label, choosing or creating a category on the fly, adding an optional remind in and overdue in and clicking ok. The time that it was done will be listed and shown under its label. The next time it is done click the Now button and the last done time will be shown. Click on the pencil edit button to the left of the title and a history of the activity is shown.

    The app supports sorting activities by modification date, performed date, alphabetical or time overdue. These are set either in the preferences or using the button to the right of the +. Using the same button one can toggle hidden items or to provide more screen space and toggle the revise (the edit or pencil) button’s visibility.

    The aforementioned hidden feature is a choice made when creating an item. Also the aforementioned sync feature is disabled by default and can be enabled in the app preferences (scroll to the bottom in the preferences). The three available options are using dropbox, public folder and your own sync tool and private folder and you own sync file. In each case a sync app needs to be pointed towards the folder and as mentioned in the When Last’s help file the public option is a subdirectory of the device’s downloads folder and the private one is a subdirectory of the app’s folder.

    When Last has also very recently added a search feature.

    The app includes a widget with settings for widget title, border, background color and the category to show. Check all DonationCoder Android apps and the newest edition of the N.A.N.Y. (New Apps for the New Year) for other programs available.

  • XO Event Calendar For WordPress

    XO Event Calendar For WordPress

    One of the many plugin types used to extend a WordPress site are calendar ones. Many free and premium ones are available in the repository and elsewhere with a whole set of functionality from displaying simple dates to client booking for example. XO Event Calendar is a free plugin on the simpler side of the spectrum.

    After a normal plugin installation the Events menu is added in the WordPress backend. XO Event Calendar adds its own custom post type and taxonomy (category). Each category can have its own background color on the calendar. In a similar way any number of holidays can be created and assigned background colors with ‘day-off’, ‘morning-off’ and ‘afternoon-off’ presets available. Add new events by entering a title, description and optionally an excerpt. Pick a start and end date and choose or create its category on the fly. The event title will be displayed on the calendar and linked to the detail page.


    To display the calendar on a page or post use the [xo_event_calendar] shortcode. The shortcode includes the option for displaying holidays, somewhat surprisingly showing holidays are not “true” by default. Other options include showing previous and next month arrows and ability to limit the number of months one can move to, for example previous=”1″ and next=”6″ will only display the previous month’s and the next six months’ dates. It is possible to include only certain categories by naming which to display using categories=”slug”. One can also display different versions of the calendar using the id option (“xo-event-calendar-2”, “xo-event-calendar-3”, etc.), this requires a different page for each calendar displayed.

    All in all XO Event Calendar is a clean and minimalist calendar for WordPress, it is relatively new on the scene.

  • ToDoList: Freeware And Open Source Task Management

    ToDoList: Freeware And Open Source Task Management

    ToDoList (version: 7.1) is a task or to do list freeware that can help organize and track tasks. The interface and features may be excessive for a to do list.

    Upon installation the program displays several prompts asking where (registry or .ini file) to store settings, whether to prepare a network sharing set up, which columns or type of user interface to show. It will also offer to display its sample task list to give the user a start.

    The program window is divided into several parts and can seem “busy” but each section can be hidden using View —> Task View Visibility or View —> Bar Visibility. The filter bar can be used to narrow down tasks down to the very specific. When tasks are created they can have all of title, start date, due date, priority (numbered and colored from 1 to 9), completion status, tag, category, allocated to, allocated by and many other attributes or columns including custom ones (View —> Custom Task Attributes) and displayed with their own icons or background colors. Each can be shown or hidden via right clicking on the task view heading. Tasks can have subtasks with their own attributes. Existing tasks can be subdivided into subtasks too. An item can be linked to a file and have a comment attached to it using rich or simple text and the comments will be visible to right side by default. The aforementioned attributed can be set or edited in the attributes section on the bottom of ToDoList’s window.

    There are, of course, several methods for adding new tasks such as using the top menu, the toolbar, right clicking in the task views area. Each task can have a reminder with or without recurrence as well and like other features there are the same several methods of adding a reminder.

    The main feature of ToDoList is the multiple views available and each user will probably see one as most intuitive. Task Tree displays tasks with subtasks clearly marked, Task List presents a linear list, Calendar is of course a calendar, Gantt Chart in a horizontal series spanning dates and Kanban (new in 7.1) in a white board style. The Burndown view is a visual representation of the number of tasks in the list, displayed per date, it is basically a simple but depressing graph of how much a user has to do!

    The programs preferences are massive in number and detail. Each view has its own preferences too (look for the gear button). For example an option to choose a default view at program startup probably exists but is buried in the preferences – however ToDoList does remember the last view between sessions. Examples of options are the program’s behaviour when inactive, program theme, the position of the task comments, default priority color/number, which attributes are inherited by subtasks, backup and autosave.

    The program can import and create tasks from .ics, .csv, .txt, outlook, .mm (Freemind), .gan (GanttProject), .ml (My Life Organized) file and export to the same plus .html.

    The program’s wiki details all the features in more detail including more advanced features best suited for multi user environments like task dependency where a task’s status (for example its completion) is dependent on another task, reference task where a task watches another for changes and command line options which include working and interacting with external programs such as emailing tasks.