Dukto: LAN File Transfer



Sharing and sending files over the internet gets easier and more trivial with every passing year. The same is almost true when it comes to sharing files on a local area network, between two computers in a house for example. It is a waste of bandwidth and resources to use the internet for such a case. There are relatively complex solutions for transferring files in a home network, some require the same operating system and others fiddling with permissions and folder share settings. Dukto (version: R6) is one tool that reduces the effort and also happens to be multi-platform.

Dukto does not write to the registry or pollute the system, its Windows, Linux and other versions can be downloaded and just executed.


Just open the program on all installed devices and its discovery protocol should find the others. In most home cases there is nothing else to do but to choose a file, folder, text or clipboard content to send to another computer. There might be times when the discovery might not work and Dukto will attempt an IP connection – the IP address of every device is shown by clicking the bottom middle icon and can be entered manually for IP connection transfers. It is possible to configure where received files are stored by using the bottom right settings icon.

If an error is seen it can be due to a firewall blocking Dukto. The program can be white listed pretty easily, for example in

Windows XP:

Start —> Control Panel –> Windows Firewall, Exceptions tab —> Add Program

Windows 7:

Start —> Control Panel —> Windows Firewall —>Allow a program or feature through Windows Firewall, Change Settings and Allow another program buttons

Linux Mint 13 MATE edition:

Menu —> Firewall Configuration. The Firewall is normally disabled when Mint is installed. If it is enabled for any reason Dukto may not work and allowing it will require a firewall that can add application rules and not port or IP address based rules. For example Linux-Firewall.org

Dukto is available for Windows XP and newer, Mac OS 10.6 and newer and via repositories (or manually via deb or rpm files) for use on Linux computers. As tested on Linux Mint 13 the deb file downloaded from http://software.opensuse.org/download.html?project=home:colomboem&package=dukto was used – simply download and double click to ‘Install package’ and it’s ready to be used.


2 responses to “Dukto: LAN File Transfer”

  1. smaragdus Avatar

    Dukto seems interesting.

    By the way I came upon a free, open-source and portable file transfer program- http://www.orzeszek.org/dev/transfer/ , which, although very simple, works very well.

  2. R G Avatar
    R G

    Thanks, I will have a look at Orzeszek.

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