Easily Access Media Info With MediaTab



MediaTab (version:1.2) is a simple freeware that provides information about many media files.  The feature that makes it easier to use is that it integrates with Windows Explorer.

MediaTab is based on the more widely used MediaInfo and instead of being a standalone program all is does is add a tab to the right click menu, that is a new MediaTab tab is added to the Properties window. Formats supported are numerous and include the likes of 3gp, asf, avi,divx, dpg, eac3, evo, f4v, flac, h264, m4a, mks, mkv, mov,mp3, mp4, mpc, mpeg, mpg, ogg, qt, ra, rm, swf, tp, vob, wav, wma and wmv.

The info provided in both text and tree formats is also extensive with the likes (as applicable) of file name, location, release date, duration, codecs, bit rate, resolution, metatags, encoded library and lots more. An advanced setting adds additional information like frame count, stream size, audio profile and others.

The information can be exported into a text or html file or copied to the clipboard in text, bbcode or two kinds of html (table with or without headers) files.

MediaTab runs on XP and newer on both 32bit and 64bit PCs.


One response to “Easily Access Media Info With MediaTab”

  1. smaragdus Avatar

    I used MediaInfo but switched to MediaInfo Lite since I do not tolerate ad-ware- MediaInfo Lite is simpler but clean while MediaInfo is more sophisticated but shows ads.
    MediaTab is handy but I prefer MediaInfo/MediaInfo Lite concept.
    By the way there is a similar application- HashTab, which adds file hashes to ‘Properties’.
    Both MediaTab and MediaInfo Lite are very useful, its a matter of preferences which one to choose.

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