Ultimate Calendar Is Now Freeware

Ultimate Calendar

Recently site visitor Asen (thanks Asen) alerted me that Ultimate Calendar is now freeware.

Ultimate Calendar (Version: at its basic level is simply a calendar display – with a monthly or yearly view – but it has a fair of number settings that make it more than that. The program’s settings are accessible from the right hand side of the program with holidays and user added events, notes or ‘personal dates’ also listed under the calendar.

Ultimate Calendar

Events can be added and a sizable set of country specific holidays can be toggled on and off via ‘Dates sets’. ‘Displaying’ offers several configurable methods of showing dates, one can choose to show four digit year with %Y or numeric month with a leading zero with %M for example.

Use ‘Calendar’ to set the first day of weeks,  if needed change the weekend days from the default Saturday and Sunday, change the three row display or display weeks vertically instead of horizontally.

‘Dates list’ changes the number of rows of holidays and events on display under the calendar and can filter them from all available to those within X number of days from today’s date.

To set what is shown when the mouse hovers over Ultimate Calendar’s tray icon change the ‘Popup window’ settings. Transparency and the aforementioned events within X number of days are available here too.

‘Face’ is the place to change the theme of the program and separately colors, fonts and alignment of the events list.

It is not very obvious why ‘Priority’ is useful, when two events coincide on the same date one can change which is shown first or given priority. In my tests I added a note for a day (see November 11th in the screenshot above) and then changed the priority of ‘Notes’ to the highest level. The note I had added just showed one cell above others of the same date and when I hovered over a date on the calendar itself. ‘Limitation’ works in the same vein and lets the user hide certain elements from the events list or calendar display.

‘Plugins’ adds Julian dates and Sun and Moon information and can be configured by location, country, town, latitude and longitude.

‘Export’ has several options that include ‘Export to Excel’, ‘Save as bitmap’ and ‘Save dates list as’ Text, RTF or Text UTF-8 (Unicode). Finally ‘Program’ has the autostart with system and minimize to tray settings and ‘Language’ is the place to override the default system language. Ultimate Calendar should work on Windows 2000 and newer.


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