XnConvert: Freeware Image Manipulation

XnConvert (Version: 1.51), from the maker of the excellent image editor and viewer XnView, is a freeware multi-platform batch image converter for Windows, Mac and Linux. Input or load file(s)/folder(s) and then if necessary filter the images to only work on a set of them. Next is the Actions tab, choose modifications or conversions required… Continue reading XnConvert: Freeware Image Manipulation

Image Tuner Is Your Basic Image Editor

Image Tuner is a lightweight freeware which works on images or series of images and applies a set of basic but simple and useful tasks to them. Pictures or a folder of pictures are added by dragging them into the program window or by using the Add Folder or Add Images buttons. The images will… Continue reading Image Tuner Is Your Basic Image Editor

Simple Freeware: Screenshoter And Easy Image Modifier

Screenshoter is a basic, no-install utility to take or capture screenshots quickly and easily. Double click the program executable, choose full screen or area – to capture an area click on the area button, after choosing the area radio button, then click and hold the left mouse button and drag to choose a rectangular area… Continue reading Simple Freeware: Screenshoter And Easy Image Modifier

Freeware Modi Is Easy Image Processing

Modi is described by it’s author as Modi is a powerful and flexible batch image processor freeware with an easy to use interface… Modi has a simple interface. Any number of images can be added via the ‘Add Files’ button or dragged and dropped into the program window. A preview of each image can be… Continue reading Freeware Modi Is Easy Image Processing

Pitaschio: Multipurpose Freeware Utility For Windows

Pitaschio, not Pistachio!, is described by its author as Pitaschio is a freeware which makes it convenient to use Microsoft Windows Pitaschio is a utility that enables a user to automate many tasks or to simply be more efficient with the keyboard and the mouse. At the same time it can be perhaps too much… Continue reading Pitaschio: Multipurpose Freeware Utility For Windows