Tag: notepad

  • New Version News: Caderno and Dexpot

    In this series of posts called New Version News I will highlight some of the newer versions of freeware downloads reviewed earlier on RGdot.com.

    Caderno, the notepad replacement and alternative reviewed here is at version 2.10 now. Some notable and new features include the following:

    • Code folding.
    • A better and more complete UTF (UTF-16) support.
    • The portable version that was in the works earlier. Also an U3 version, the format that is especially created for USB flash drives.

    Dexpot has reached version 1.5, it was originally reviewed here, and offers a number of interesting and useful features like the following:

    • The Dexcube plug-in, for some 3D effects features.
    • The SevenDex plug-in, to make maximum use of the the taskbar on the new Windows 7.
    • Task switcher and desktop switcher, which increases access and efficiency in using applications that reside on different desktops.
  • Caderno Is Notepad Plus More

    Caderno Is Notepad Plus More

    Caderno is described by its author as

    Caderno is a remake of the common program “notepad”

    Another point the author likes to emphasis is that Caderno attempts to re-create a Firefox like experience. One important feature of Caderno that makes the aforementioned statement true, and the program very much Firefox-like, is that it comes with a ‘find as you type’ feature to search .txt or other files. It also features tabs for opening multiple documents. A session management console allows a user to work with a set number of documents and be able to reload them together. The revert feature – found under the file menu – can reload the last saved version of an open document. Caderno also supports PHP code completion, syntax highlighting for a growing number of languages and an improving though yet not full support for utf documents. A portable version is also in the works and should arrive after the author makes decisions on how to handle the program’s built-in crash recovery when working with a USB thumb drive.
    Caderno is a relatively young project and a very interesting one, it should run on all more recent versions of Windows.

  • Text Master Notepad Alternative

    Text Master Notepad Alternative

    Text Master is certainly not alone in the world of Windows Notepad alternatives but is nevertheless a useful entry. It is described by its author as

    Text Master is a plain text editor with extra features and is a good alternative of NotePAD.

    Text Master
    Text master, of course, looks a lot like Notepad and the additional features are mostly categorized into one menu item, or toolbar. Those features include the following. Add Date in various formats. Analyze Text to get character, word, line and other counts. Combine Lines that are separated by a configurable separator, such as a comma for example. Crypto, a beta feature I did not test, to scramble lines. Delete Unnecessary Lines to delete empty or identical lines. Extract text has a few parameters that belong in a more solid programming setting rather than a notepad like software. Filter Lines chops or shortens lines starting from both their start and end. Generate Email List looks for emails in the open text document. Generate Word List converts the open document into an alphabetical list of the words it contains. Import Picture As Text only works with bitmaps. Insert Numbers adds line numbers. Insert Text adds text to the beginning or ending of all lines. Keypress Simulator is a time waster more than anything else, presenting the open document with a type writer effect. Randomize Lines and Reverse Line Sequence and Line Contents are also more fancy effects than anything else. May be the same can be said about Sort Lines and Trim Lines (from both, left or right sides). Finally Uppercase & Lowercase converts text into one of all uppercase, first letter uppercase or all lowercase.

    It is also possible to use F11 to maximize the workspace and additionally find or find and replace text. Text Master runs on all Windows versions and is a 560KB download.

  • SysPad Is A Simple Folder And Notepad Utility

    SysPad Is A Simple Folder And Notepad Utility

    SysPad is a utility from CodePlex, it is described simply as

    A Notepad-like program and folder management program

    Syspad is only 570KB but sometimes consumes a bit more than expected memory, approaching 40MB, but nevertheless provides easy access to two useful functions for the efficient user. Installation adds an icon to the tray bar. Thereafter a right click launches a tabbed notepad and a left click launches a favorites folder manager.


    The notepad (called TrayPad) is simple, allows for the typical background and font control. Notes can be saved in .txt format. There is an option to export and open the note using the famous and highly rated Notepad ++ – with syntax highlighting preset from within SysPad –  but in my test I was unable to launch Notepad++ after doing the required to set the path to the program within Syspad’s settings (Edit—>Settings).

    The file manager (called FolderPad) has preset icons to common folders and locations including My Computer, My Documents, Desktop, Control Panel, Program Files, Add/Remove Programs, Network Properties, plus the Printers and Font folders. Right clicking in the white area presents a dialog to add one’s own favorite folders either via browsing or manually typing a location. A tag or title can be added to server as a description as well.

    SysPad while certainly not unique or feature rich is useful and is another download that works well to add some level of efficiency for any computer user. Interestingly since both right and left clicks are used to launch the note and folder utilities there is no way to shut down and completely exit the program via the computer’s tray area. The only way seems to be to have the notes or TrayPad portion open and use File—>Exit Syspad.