Tag: environment

  • Carbon Neutrality Around The World

    Carbon Neutrality is a concept of reducing or balancing the amount of greenhouses gases released into the atmosphere. Massive evidence points to fossil fuels causing extreme harm to the environment and while some voices of propaganda or even legitimate scientists do not agree the evidence seems to confirm extreme dangers. Even if the dangers are overblown there is no denying that city life where fumes and other pollutants are very much present has detrimental effects on each human’s health.

    Many worldwide or United Nations (and other organizations) sponsored meetings and summits have been convened to reach a worldwide (or close to worldwide) agreement on controlling the release of CO2 (Carbon Dioxide) and other so-called greenhouse gases that at the very least have local health effects. The Kyoto Protocol is the most famous and perhaps the most criticized. It is however local governments and nations that have taken things into their hands and try to do their part in virtual unilateral fashion. Over the past few years Costa Rica, Norway, Maldives, New Zealand and Maldives and some others have set their own targets of becoming carbon neutral under an UN initiative called the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP). While some concepts such as selling carbon credits might be questionable as to shift the problem elsewhere for cash it is still commendable and necessary that some form of concrete action is being taken by countries that may not even be the richest.

    Costa Rica’s example seems to be the most ambitious by setting a target of 2021, the country’s 200th anniversary, for becoming carbon neutral. Others like Norway have set dates like 2050 as a target. Such things as moving forward and increasing existing hydroelectric power generation, starting or adding to wind power and solar power generation projects are all steps that help and have long term and short term benefits. Other steps such as halting deforestation add to the arsenal by adding carbon consuming plants. Removing pollutants from the assembly lines and the roads help as well.

    As one concrete example one can look to the the introduction of electric cars into a market place. Recently the India based REVA Electric Car Company (RECC) entered the Costa Rican market and will sell its electric car in that country. Initiatives like this that include profits will help bit by bit and the chances of improving our health and most certainly the well-being of the planet are increased.

  • Earth Hour 2009, March 28th, 8:30PM Local Time

    On March 28th at 8:30PM local time switch off all lights for 60 minutes. Join thousands of cities and millions of people all around the world and tell your friends.

    Vote For Earth 2009

  • Help The Environment With The Climate Savers Computing Initiative

    I do not know of a person or organization who doesn’t own or use computers or appliances that bear the Energy Star logo or who do not use their computers’ power management features such as those that turn off the hard drive and monitor after a set of amount of time. However the Climate Savers Smart Computing started by Google and Intel is taking that baseline further and in conjunction with Energy Star’s newer 4.0 specification has launched an initiative in the hopes of taking more steps in reducing CO2 emissions. The effort is mainly aimed at buinesses but consumers influence the initiative as well by buying products that support the standards and by using the power management features of the products they buy such as the aforementioned and well known feature native to most if not all computers. To make the consumer side further appealing a video challenge has been set up with a chance to win $5000 and other prizes. See video below.

  • 50 Ways To Help The Planet

    50 Ways To Help The Planet

    50 simple things that can be done every day to live a greener life. (click on image to see them all)


  • Green thoughts

    As you may have noticed I have a ‘Green’ category set up here. My intention is to not post about software only but also to add my thoughts about the environment and may be even politics sometimes. This site may or may not seem like a personal blog as opposed to a tech or software review blog. If you have any thoughts on this please leave a comment. I hope that this site or blog will evolve into something interesting for most.

  • Car of the future?

    A modular car that gives you the option of a gas-electric, battery electric or hydrogen fuel-cell drivetrain. Developed by Mercedes Benz the Concept BlueZero cars will take the next step towards ditching the gas guzzeling monstrosities on the road today.


    Via Wired