Drag And Drop Notes: Freeware Notes Repository

Drag And Drop Notes (Version: 1.1 as of this post) is a simple if somewhat unpolished note taker. Select any text in any application and drag and drop it in the program window to create a note. Drag And Drop Notes is basically a repository. There is no real organization in the way notes are… Continue reading Drag And Drop Notes: Freeware Notes Repository

MadAppLauncher: Minimize Mouse Clicks When Launching Applications

MadAppLauncher is a free and simple launcher that gets out of your way when not needed. It strives to minimize mouse clicks when launching not only programs but files and folders too. Other than using its File menu MadAppLauncher supports dragging and dropping anything (files, folders, programs, shortcuts, etc.) into squares to create a launch… Continue reading MadAppLauncher: Minimize Mouse Clicks When Launching Applications