Tag: convert

  • Umile Encoder: Freeware Multimedia Converter

    Umile Encoder: Freeware Multimedia Converter

    Umile Encoder (Version: is a freeware multimedia converter. It can convert to (and from) 3gp, avi, mp4 and perhaps more rarely swf. Additionally it supports a multitude of formats specifically for mobile devices. These include the kindle, iPhone, iPad, iPod, Apple TV and similarly various specific Blackberry phones and the Zune too. The supported formats don’t stop there as there is support for sundry of Motorola, HTC, Samsung, Google and many other Android phones. Conversion specific to YouTube, YouTube HD and facebook  – picking the best possible dimensions – is available too.

    Umile Encoder

    Umile Encoder works in three steps and optionally offers a live preview too. First step is to add file(s), the second is to choose what it calls a profile. In this second step click the Settings button and choose the format to convert to and if needed change other settings too. Finally click Start to convert and open the file in the output folder.

    The settings include the aforementioned format choices and the relevant audio and video settings that go with them. The Advanced tab in the settings is where to enable the GPU accelerator (if available) and tweak encoding and the play speed. The screen tab has various options for crop and zoom, aspect ratio, rotation and color. Subtitle offers to customize any available subtitles. Font, size and overlay for example. Use the General to configure the default output folder, enable renaming for the output file(s) and if needed manage Umile Encoder’s CPU usage.

    Umile Encoder is surprising complete and easy to use, it works on Windows XP and newer. Do note that it asks to install extras as its own installer is running.

  • PDF To JPG: Convert Your PDF Files (Free Until July 1!)

    PDF To JPG: Convert Your PDF Files (Free Until July 1!)

    PDF To JPG is simple shareware. It does a task that is sometimes done to avoid using pdf readers and it does it well. The program interface and startup are as simple as the function it performs. When launched the program gives the user the option to choose the conversion type. The options, which are also available within the main window are pdf to jpg, pdf to tif (almost always referred to as tiff), pdf to bmp, pdf to png and pdf to gif.

    PDF To JPG

    Once open file(s) or folder of files can be added. The program will list the pdf files that are to be converted and presents the option to narrow down or choose pages to be converted. If needed one can change the dots per inch or resolution for the images.

    PDF To JPG runs on Windows 2000 and newer and its regular current price is $29.95 but it’s free from the publisher’s site until July 1st.

  • Freeware Shorts: PasteCopy.NET

    Freeware Shorts: PasteCopy.NET

    PasteCopy.NET (version: as of this post) is a freeware and portable clipboard manager. Much like other clipboard utilities it expands the capabilities of Windows’ own clipboard.


    PasteCopy.NET can handle rich text, html, comma separated values and images in additions to the usual plain text. Different clipboards or items can be assigned to categories so that reusing them is made easier. PasteCopy.NET also provides easy preview of clips via its system tray, just hover over the program icon, or within the program window itself. The size of the preview – number of lines or letters shown – is configurable. It also recognizes URLs and can provides full or  re-sized previews of the images stored in the clipboard.

    Among its features is the ability to convert rtf and html clips to text before pasting them. It can also copy text automatically without the usual Ctrl-C keys if “Auto-copy on keyboard navigation” is enabled in the program settings (via the Preferences tab of its Settings which resides under the Options menu).

    PasteCopy.NET weighs in at less than 1 MB, requires the .NET framework on host systems and should run on most Windows versions.

  • Wondershare’s AnyBizSoft PDF Converter For Mac

    Wondershare, the people that brought you the recent iMate giveaway have another product called AnyBizSoft PDF Converter For Mac. This program – which also has a PC equivalent – is a great tool to convert PDF documents to many other formats. The 6 supported formats are Word documents, Excel spreadsheets, PowerPoint presentations, EPUB eBooks, Text files and HTML pages. It is easier to edit the documents after conversions to the aforementioned formats and therefore make this program most useful. 

    AnyBizSoft PDF Converter For Mac retains the layout of the original PDF document and can in most cases even convert an encrypted, password protected PDF file. Perhaps most impressively it is possible to batch convert up to 50 PDF documents and also choose to convert specific range of pages from the PDF file.

    Adobe reader or Adobe for Mac is not required to run AnyBizSoft PDF Converter For Mac. Check back here to get your hand on a copy of the software courtesy of Wondershare.

  • iSkysoft FLV Converter : Free Video Conversion

    iSkysoft FLV Converter : Free Video Conversion


    Update: iSkysoft has kindly offered 5 licenses of iTube Studio for Mac, each valued at $29. Leave a comment below for your chance to win a copy!

    iSkysoft FLV Converter is an easy to use and now free video converter which works to convert from and to many common video formats such as AVI, MOV, MPEG, WMV and others and not only FLV videos as its name may suggest. The FLV format is of course the flash video format made by Adobe and seen on video sites like YouTube.

    iSkysoft FLV Converter can work with one or several videos at a time, either by clicking the add video button or by adding a video or folder of videos using the File menu. After a video loads clicking the Edit button (or using the Edit menu) one can start working on a video.

    The edit feature includes crop. Here a video can be resized to predefined and other flexible sizes and the sizes can be offset from any starting x and y coordinates. Effects such as old film, emboss and negative can be used along with adjustments to contrast, brightness and saturation. Watermark can also be added whether it be an image or text with control over the watermark’s position on the video. iSkysoft FLV Converter also includes support for subtitles. Additionally it is possible to rotate and flip a video vertically or horizontally.

    The clip button lets the user shorten a video by defining a new starting and/or ending point either using a slider or manually entering start or end times.

    iSkysoft FLV Converter makes it easy to work on videos by always showing an instant preview of all changes made when in its edit or clip modes. It is also worth mentioning that the program’s main interface includes a Snapshot button (to take JPG or BMP still shots)

    After finishing all modifications but before clicking the Start button to convert video(s) use the profile drop down menu to choose the output format and then change its various settings using the Settings button to the right of the menu and if desired change the output folder as well.

    iSkysoft FLV Converter runs on Windows NT and newer versions and requires at least a 1GHz CPU processor.

    iSkysoft’s many other video tools include the iTube Studio for Mac which supports (HD) video downloads and conversions for devices such the iPhone, iPod and iPad.

  • Image Tuner Is Your Basic Image Editor

    Image Tuner Is Your Basic Image Editor

    Image Tuner Freeware

    Image Tuner is a lightweight freeware which works on images or series of images and applies a set of basic but simple and useful tasks to them. Pictures or a folder of pictures are added by dragging them into the program window or by using the Add Folder or Add Images buttons. The images will then be listed and previews of them can be seen on the top right. On the lower left a destination folder is chosen and any of the available options checked.

    Pictures can be resized to one of many preset sizes in the available drop down or to a custom size by clicking the icon immediately to the right of the drop down list.

    Images can also be converted to and from *.jpg, *.png, *.gif, *.bmp and *.tiff. The icon to the right opens up the program settings relevant to each format.

    Images can also be renamed. In the text area one can for example type “picture_” (without the quotes). This will produce output images named picture_1, picture_2 and so on.

    The Add Watermark option allows the user to browse to another image which will be overlayed or watermarked on top of the ones in the image list.

    The program settings include options for each image format such as out put quality and others, as mentioned earlier, relevant to the image format. The settings also include positioning and transparency settings for the watermark option and also the option to maintain the proportions of the original images when resizing. Additionally the choice of filters and interpolations used to generate out put images are listed and can be chosen, these include the default and common Lanczos3 and others.

    Image Tuner runs on Windows 98, ME, NT, 2000, XP, Vista and 7 including 32 and 64 bit versions.

  • AH Note: Free And Simple Notepad Alternative

    AH Note: Free And Simple Notepad Alternative

    AH Note Freeware Notepad Alternative

    AH Note is a young entry in the notepad alternative universe. AH Note’s capabilities are all visible via its icons around the program interface. Its features, those not common to all simple notepad alternatives are listed below.

    Copy options to copy the current file name and path. Indent selected text by 1 column increments. Add bullet points to selected text. Add images to any text document. Zoom in and out of pages. View the page in a browser and finally convert selected or all text to lower or upper case.

    AH Note can open many text files formats and save them in its own native *.aht format in addition to *.txt, *.rtf and others. AH Note is obviously a young project, one area which makes that clear is the tool tips (hover the mouse over menu buttons). As of this review – version 1.0 – some tool tips are not properly labeled and are still the likes of ‘ToolStripSplitButton’, a mark of the programming language used to code AH Note. AH Note is one self contained executable file that doesn’t require installation, just download it and run it.