ClipMe To Manage The Windows Clipboard



A new entry in the clipboard management software category is ClipMe (not the first software or app to use that name?). It is currently at the 0.1.0 beta stage and there is potential for development and lots more to come. At this time ClipMe is basic and does not do all that much. However it is functional even as is.

Use Windows’ usual Ctrl+C to capture text, files and images that are stored in ClipMe’s database. Bring up the manager (Ctrl+Shift+O by default, configurable via the Preferences) to view them and their size. Hover over any captured image in the list to get a preview, edit any text entry if needed.  Delete any entry by clicking on the X beside it. At the bottom of the manager window there is an option to change the number of items ClipMe keeps and remembers, the default is 30.

Currently to reuse an item it is necessary to click on it in the manager window or on it via the program’s tray icon (right click the icon).

The hot key to enable or disable ClipMe’s clipboard tracking is Ctrl+Shift+E, it can be configured to use another combination. ClipMe can be configured to ignore any of the types of captures it supports so, for example, it is possible to use ClipMe only to capture images. ClipMe should run on XP and newer.


2 responses to “ClipMe To Manage The Windows Clipboard”

  1. smaragdus Avatar

    I tested ClipMe and I am not impressed. It seems that ClipMe doesn’t offer automatic pasting- the selected item is being sent to clipboard so the user needs to paste it manually- not very handy in my opinion.

  2. R G Avatar
    R G

    You are right, it needs to be pasted manually. Would be nice if ClipMe evolves into something more useful.

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