Freeware Shorts: WildBit Viewer (Image Viewer)

WildBit Viewer

WildBit Viewer (Version: 5.9 as of this post) is an image viewer complete with support for many image formats. Its interface is divided into a explorer type tree, a file list and the thumbnail or single image view.

WildBit Viewer

WildBit Viewer supports EXIF data and formats like the usual JPG, PNG, GIF, RAW and others but also Photoshop formats like PSD. The thumbnail viewer can be configured to show different sized thumbnails, sorted by name, size and date and any image meta data such as the aforementioned EXIF. There is also the image histogram and zoom via scrolling and geo information for viewing images using Google maps. Not forgetting animated GIF support and the ability to export image info to CSV files.

Via the Add Button button or by dragging folders to the ‘shell toolbar’ at the bottom of the interface favorite folders can be saved for future use. WildBit Viewer also has image compare – two images side by side – and slideshows with many transition effects. Images can be set as wallpaper and edited (Tools —> Editor) as well. The editing features include most of the usual in rotate, flip, adjust, transform, remove red eye, annotate (add text or shape), acquire (from scanner), filter (lens, morph, etc.) and some more.

Search is another noteworthy feature (see image below). Files within folders and optionally its subfolders can be searched by type (when Enable Filters is checked), name, location, date, size, attribute, EXIF, IPTC or XMP data. Note that the Filename text box must not be empty so use “*.*” (without the quotes) at least to start a search.

WildBit Viewer

WildBit Viewer works on Windows 2000 and newer and is available in both portable and installer downloads. It is free for personal use. A pro version with multimedia support and a profile switcher is available as well.


4 responses to “Freeware Shorts: WildBit Viewer (Image Viewer)”

  1. Asen Anastassov Avatar
    Asen Anastassov

    WildBit Viewer is deffinitely a viable choice for a graphic browser- it has a portable version, it supports many image formats, it offers lots of features (it can automatically rotate images according to EXIF information for example), it has a slide show player. Its GUI is a bit old-fashioned and future support of skins/colour themes would make it even nicer. The author of this application, Marko Hietanen, is very responsive and helpful. Overall, WildBit Viewer is one of the best free graphic browsers available together with FastStone Image Viewer, XNView, Imagine, FreeVimager, etc. There is a huge number of simple, light and good applications just for viewing image files (NexusImage, Viu2, MycView, JPEGView, and my all times favourite FastStone MaxView, to mention some) that’s why I discern between graphic browsers and graphic viewers.

  2. RG Avatar

    There are many good freeware options, the ones you named and WildBit being right up there too. I like and use FastStone most, XnView and Imagine come next for me. Explorer alternatives that handle images well would be good too but there are less freeware ones of that kind, XYplorer and Total Commander for example.
    Thanks for visiting and commenting Asen.

  3. Asen Anastassov Avatar
    Asen Anastassov

    You are right that there are no freeware file managers that handle image files well. For some quick jobs (conversion, uploading to ImageShack) I use XnView Shell Extension: – XnView Shell Extension at Softpedia

    Although not perfect it is great for image conversion since it supports a large number of output formats.

  4. RG Avatar

    Thanks for pointing that out Asen. Good option for sure.

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