Chit Chat For Facebook

Chit Chat For Facebook

Chit Chat For Facebook

Chit Chat For Facebook is a free application to use in place of Facebook’s in browser chat popup. It includes a few additions to make it worthwhile if you are a regular Facebook chat user and would rather not always have a browser window open for chatting. After installation the user simply logs in using his or her regular Facebook details and is presented with a tabbed interface not too unlike MSN’s Live Messenger interface.

Its options – accessible via Tools —> Preferences – include a chat logging option (enabled by default), configurable shortcuts for many actions, sorting contacts and changing the fonts and looks of the chat itself. Chit Chat For Facebook can send messages to friends and be used to write on their walls. One can also update his or her own Facebook status.

When installing it offers to install a browser plug-in, the AutoComplete Pro, which can be refused. It also offers to announce itself, via a status update, to your friends, again this can be refused. Chit Chat For Facebook requires Windows XP at a minimum.


2 responses to “Chit Chat For Facebook”

  1. […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Best Software, RG. RG said: On the blog… Chit Chat For Facebook #windows #software […]

  2. […] Chat for Facebook was first reviewed almost two years ago here on RGdot, now it is back at version 1.5 with more polish and features. Beside the chat or IM and […]

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