File Hound: Freeware File Search

File Hound is Described as

…Search for text inside any file on your computer. It can search all kinds of text files, including pdf, doc etc.

File Hound - Freeware
It is a simple program that does its job well and as mentioned in its description searches inside *.pdf files too. It is not limited to pure text files as it can search inside *.dll, *.exe and other such files as well. Another advantage is that the search results for *.pdf files are shown in the program’s own search results window. As of this date folder paths must be typed or pasted into the Folder box as there is no browse button available but enabling the Associate with folders setting adds a Hound entry into folders’ right click context menu. It is also possible to expand or limit a search by including subfolders and restricting file sizes.

File Hound is a useful, fast, lightweight and freeware search utility. It does require the .NET 2.0 framework on the host system.


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