Tag: to-do

  • Freeware Calendar: Desktop iCalendar Lite

    Freeware Calendar: Desktop iCalendar Lite

    Desktop iCalendar Lite (Version: is a small calendar and to do program that sits on the desktop. Its lite version features to do and event lists besides its configurable calendar. It supports multiple calendars so one can have public holidays, personal calendar (including iCalendar support) and public google calendar displayed together.

    Desktop iCalendar Lite

    Using the plus buttons – visible when hovering over their respective windows or sections –  one can add events and to do items. Events can have summary, description, date range, category (icon), alarm and recurrence. To do items can have summary, description, start and due dates, category and reminder. Calendar days with events are shown in a different color. Hovering over a day with an event offers a tool tip style summary of the event and clicking on a day with one shows the text associated with the event inside the events docked window.

    Several themes are available. Font, color, background and transparency of each can be configured to make it more individual. The to do and events windows can be turned off in the program’s settings.

    Desktop iCalendar Lite should run on Windows XP and newer. Note that while testing it I noticed that it was trying to sync – the tray icon would change – when there shouldn’t be anything to sync with. Using the tray icon menu —> Calendars I turned off all calendars except the local one created for testing but it seemed to try to want to sync.

  • Makagiga: Multi-Featured Free Open Source Utility

    Makagiga: Multi-Featured Free Open Source Utility


    Makagiga has a simple interface where it attempts to provide an everything at your finger tips type of experience. It comes with widgets to populate its window. The widgets include To-do, Notes, Calendar and Internet Search. Additional widgets can be downloaded (Edit—>Get More Widgets) and include the likes of a Digital Clock and Countdown timer, among others. Somewhat confusing it also supports plugins and no real distinction is made with its widgets. A separate menu (Tools—>Add or Remove Plugins) and window is used to download and use plugins such as an advanced text editor but then to get even more plugins one can click the Get More Plugins link on this same Add or Remove Plugins window. These additional plugins include such things as a chart generator, a Wolfram|Alpha query and others.

    The ability to subscribe to RSS feeds comes already built-in and therefore Makagiga can be used as a news feed as well.

    Makagiga requires Java and Windows XP at a minimum. Separate portable (use the run-portable.exe file) and Linux versions are available as well.

  • Todomoo: Open Source To Do List

    Todomoo: Open Source To Do List

    Todomoo calls itself a todo manager. It is primarily aimed at keeping track of schedules for paid projects but it can be used as a simple to do list as well.

    Todomoo’s interface is a tab like presentation with each category having its own tab. Tasks belonging to each or all categories can be viewed by clicking on their respective tabs. Tasks are added via the New Task button (or from the program menu: Task —> New Task) and assigned a category, name, description, color and priority. Additionally the new task window offers options to add creation, due and completed dates plus a timer to keep track of time spent on the task. Keeping track of payments is made easy by assigning per hour rates and a due date. Multiple notes can also be added to tasks with the tabbed interface indicating how many notes exists for any particular one.

    Todomoo also supports sub tasks. These are made somewhat more useful because sub tasks can keep their own timers and payment details separate from the main or parent task. Those details can then be added and included when a parent task is complete.

    Tasks can be exported to a *.csv (comma separated value) file. Todomoo can keep backups of its SQLite database. It is available in both installer and portable versions.

  • Freeware UK’s Kalender Helps You Stay Organized

    Freeware UK’s Kalender Helps You Stay Organized

    UK's Kalendar

    UK’s Kalender is a no frills program that is a calendar, to do list and event reminder in one. It presents a list view for to do items independent of events that can be entered into the calendar which itself is available in week, fortnight, month and year views.

    UK’s Kalender minimizes into the system tray to always be available for reminders and their associated popups. These alarms also have a snooze function. Events can have templates – complete with icon and color choices – and categories associated with them and UK’s Kalender supports recurring and multiday events. Tool tips, when hovering over events, show the complete event information.

    Double clicking inside any day or in the to do list triggers the window to enter the details of an event and choose its looks, start date, end date, alarm settings and for the to do list also its priority setting. Both the to do list and calendar events also support attachments which will be opened or executed with the event and therefore turn UK’s Kalender into an automatic task scheduler.

    UK’s Kalender has a useful search and filter function to pin down specific events, it can do text back ups and export to a comma separated value (*.CSV) file or an HTML file. It supports holiday information via additional downloads. It runs on Windows 98SE up to Windows 7.

  • Freeware P2Do Is A Simple To Do And Task List

    Freeware P2Do Is A Simple To Do And Task List

    P2Do is a lightweight to do and task list that also provides a monthly calendar view in addition to its main list view. Tasks can be added and placed into categories and assigned tags or subcategories. After adding a task double clicking its entry in the list view will launch the window to add the aforementioned categories, tags or due date. Assigning priority and choosing icons are also done in the same window. The default and limited category and tag options (‘Main’ and ‘Relax’ just to name two) can be expanded within the program settings (lower left of the program interface) by adding one’s own.

    The calendar view is capable of showing only tasks that are given a due date, at first thought this is perhaps a limitation but it is ultimately obvious why. It is also possible to search through tasks, P2Do should run on all recent versions of Windows and is available in both 32 and 64 bit versions and a portable version as well.