Freeware Calendar: Desktop iCalendar Lite

Desktop iCalendar Lite

Desktop iCalendar Lite (Version: is a small calendar and to do program that sits on the desktop. Its lite version features to do and event lists besides its configurable calendar. It supports multiple calendars so one can have public holidays, personal calendar (including iCalendar support) and public google calendar displayed together.

Desktop iCalendar Lite

Using the plus buttons – visible when hovering over their respective windows or sections –  one can add events and to do items. Events can have summary, description, date range, category (icon), alarm and recurrence. To do items can have summary, description, start and due dates, category and reminder. Calendar days with events are shown in a different color. Hovering over a day with an event offers a tool tip style summary of the event and clicking on a day with one shows the text associated with the event inside the events docked window.

Several themes are available. Font, color, background and transparency of each can be configured to make it more individual. The to do and events windows can be turned off in the program’s settings.

Desktop iCalendar Lite should run on Windows XP and newer. Note that while testing it I noticed that it was trying to sync – the tray icon would change – when there shouldn’t be anything to sync with. Using the tray icon menu —> Calendars I turned off all calendars except the local one created for testing but it seemed to try to want to sync.


4 responses to “Freeware Calendar: Desktop iCalendar Lite”

  1. Asen Anastassov Avatar
    Asen Anastassov

    I reraly use any calendars with the exception of the already reviewed here Calendar Magic, but today I came upon another calendar that was shareware but has become freeware- Ultimate Calendar – and I feel obliged to notify you about it: – Ultimate Calendar Home Page – Ultimate Calendar at Softpedia

    Now it is freeware without any limitations, nags and is adware-free. It exists in both portable and installable versions. It is not a spectacular application, but it has some nice features and perhaps you might find that it is worth to have a look at.

  2. RG Avatar

    Thanks Asen, I will look at it for sure. I find myself not using calendar programs either or may be it is that I like to use them but move back to note organizers – where notes are categorized and organized by tags and nodes rather than by any sort of date format (or even reminders). I think a program that does a good job with both date and tags/nodes would be good. Currently I am using minipad2 and TreeProjects.

  3. Asen Anastassov Avatar
    Asen Anastassov

    By the way I missed to mention that in the download page of Ultimate Calendar below the application downloads there are some additional date sets, for example ‘Internationals & Worlds Days’ and ‘Signs of the zodiac’ which can be downloaded separately as archives and can be extracted in the ‘Date’s sub-folder of Ultimate Calendar. For example if ‘Signs of the zodiac’ is activated it shows the first day of any zodiacal sign (in my case this might be very useful).

    I, like you, prefer tree-structure or tags (rather tree than tags eventually) so I use mainly minipad2 to store texts and notes and MemPad (as far as I can remember you have already reviewed it here and by the way although MemPad looks a bare-bones app it is not that simple) for raw material and temporary clippings. I have also tried many other mini note-taking apps like Flashnote, CintaNotes, ResophNotes, NoteItDown, etc. I have also two commercial outliners- AllMyNotes Organizer and Aml Pages but in fact I am not very fascinated by them. There is an awful lot of Notes programs and it is not easy to choose which one will suit you best. I have not tested it yet but AM-Notebook Pro seems very versatile and powerful outliner: – AM-Notebook Pro Home Page – AM-Notebook Pro at Softpedia

    Apart from its tree-note structure it offers Calendar, Contacts and To Do (it seems it only lacks a separate diary but of course one can build their own diary within the notes). Perhaps you have tested it?

    By the way there is an abandoned freeware program- SEO Note, which I have tested superficially long ago but I have had the impression that it is more capable of at least half the commercial outliners: – SEO Note Home Page – SEO Note at Softpedia

    As far as I know you like to test such apps and in case you haven’t played with it I suppose you might be tempted try it. 😉

    My problem right now is that I have more apps to play with than thoughts to note down on these apps. ;(

  4. RG Avatar

    Thanks for the additional info.

    At one point or another I have tried all those you mentioned, some I decided not to write about, for whatever reason, and some I first tried before the site started and forgot about them I think 🙂 You are right, I will have a look at any and all note organizers. Your last sentence is very true too.

    On topic, I have been searching for an OneNote alternative. Perhaps OneNote is not really all that different from something like RightNote, TreeDBNotes or may be even Aml Pages and others. But I am looking for more options where I can drop images and notes freely anywhere on a ‘page’ like in OneNote. I have come across Basket Note Pads but it is Linux only and I am staying with Windows as my main OS for now.

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